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Why a buyer’s love letter is a big no-no! Did you know a seller could be breaking the law if they are reading them?

The exchange of Buyer’s Love Letters poses a serious risk of violating fair housing laws, specifically in California. If you are in the process of selling your home or have done so in the past, and your Realtor or Listing Agent is presenting you with these letters from potential buyers, it could potentially lead to legal complications and a breach of fair housing regulations.

California has been at the forefront of national efforts against discrimination, exemplified by the early enactment of the Unruh Civil Rights Act in 1959. This pivotal legislation aimed to prevent businesses from engaging in discriminatory practices. Subsequently, the California Legislature introduced additional measures to safeguard the rights of its residents.

The Unruh Civil Rights Act extends protection against discrimination by all business establishments in California, encompassing housing and public accommodations. This protection covers various factors such as age, ancestry, color, disability, national origin, race, religion, sex, and sexual orientation. Case law has clarified that sexual orientation includes individuals identifying as homosexual, bisexual, or heterosexual.

Therefore, the sharing of Buyer’s Love Letters, which often contain personal information about the potential buyer, may inadvertently lead to discriminatory practices and run afoul of these vital fair housing laws. It is imperative for both sellers and real estate professionals to be aware of these legal implications to ensure compliance and avoid potential lawsuits. You can learn more about California Fair Housing Laws Here

🦁 Who you work with matters. If you are thinking about buying or selling, give us a call to see how we can help.
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